Aidar Orazbekov

NAMEAidar Orazbekov
DOB42 years old
Place of residenceKazakhstan, Almaty
Location of IncidentKazakhstan, Almaty
ApplicantAdilzhan Kursora

On January 6, 2022, Aidar Orazbekov participated in a peaceful protest on the square in front of the Almaty City Akimat to express solidarity with peaceful protesters from Zhanaozen. Military equipment arrived at the square, and the military opened fire on peaceful protesters. Aidar received a gunshot wound to the buttocks. The bullet went through and out through his left thigh. Aidar, in a state of shock, went by car to the 4th city hospital, where he received medical assistance.

On January 8, armed special forces broke into the hospital and beat them, and led half-naked wounded, including Aidar Orazbekov, into the street. SWAT officers tore a catheter from Aidar’s wounded leg. The wounded were shoved into a police van and taken to the SI-18 detention center in Almaty.

SI-18 was interrogated several times for several days, accompanied by beatings. One of the employees told Aidar, “If you survive, I will kill you; I will kill you personally!” Despite the officers’ demands, Aidar refused to give false testimony against himself that he allegedly beat the police. The wounded were fed once or twice a day. Adequate medical assistance was not provided, and a lawyer was not provided for questioning.

On January 9, Aidar was taken to a basement, where he and other wounded were beaten. In one of the adjacent rooms, he heard the sounds of a stun gun and screams, after which the hallway smelled fried. Aidar thought that a man had been killed. They hit him on the head, face, body, and wounded leg. Kicked, beaten with a truncheon and the butt of a weapon. They threatened rape with a bloody truncheon. As a result of the torture, his ribs and facial bones were broken, confirmed by medical documents. Employees forced Aidar to say that he loved Tokayev and supported the current regime.

On January 14, without any evidence, the judge ordered arrest in a pre-trial detention center for two months during the investigation of a political criminal case under Article 272 part 2 (“participation in mass riots”) based on the principle: “Wounded, means he was in the first row of rioters.” Aidar was released on his recognizance on February 3.



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