Raigul Sadyrbayev

Raigul Sadyrbayev
NAMERaigul Sadyrbayev
Place of residence
Location of IncidentSemey
ApplicantTimur Irzhanuly


“On February 26, 2022, according to Timur Irzhanuly’s testimony, a human rights defender from Semey, Raigul Sadyrbayev experienced strong psychological pressure to force false testimony. KNB and Interior Ministry officers wanted her to admit to false claims that Raigul is alleged to be “the organizer of the “mass riots” during the January rallies in the square near the city hall of Semey.” Also, the authorities of Kazakhstan do not allow Raigul to read procedural documents on the initiation of criminal proceedings against her for political motives. Namely: a report based on what on it initiated a criminal case, a decision on the “qualification of the act,” an order to declare her a suspect, and a ruling on establishing an investigative and operational group…Raigul monitored the peaceful protest and collected data on human rights violations from the scene in the capacity of a representative from the human rights movement Elimay. Kazakh authorities regard Raigul’s human rights activities as “participation in mass riots” and initiated a politically motivated criminal case under Art. 272 part 2 (“participation in mass riots”). Since January 14, 2022, Raigul has been in a pre-trial detention center in Ust-Kamenogorsk in conditions that are dangerous to her health and life. This Human Rights Defender Has Serious, incurable cardiovascular disease and the third disability group. Despite this, Raigul was denied her vital treatments multiple times. Earlier, Raigul was tortured because of her refusal to cooperatе with the investigation. She was strangled to the point of unconsciousness. They attempted to rape her with a police baton and put a gun to her head. They used obscene language and morally humiliated her.”


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