Kosay Mahanbaev, like many others in January 2022, participated in the peaceful protests in Almaty. There he suffered three gunshot wounds, while, being a medical doctor, he tried to help another wounded protester. He was hospitalized briefly only to be detained in a few days by militarized forces of Kazakh ‘law enforcement’ in a highly publicized raid on the Almaty City Hospital #12 . Kosay and ca 40 others were moved to detention facility SI- 19 not suitable for detainees in serious life threatening medical conditions. According to Kosay and other detainees, the next few days were “pure hell” – they were subjected to beatings, inhumane and derogatory treatment, and torture.  Prosecutors charged him and others with rioting and put him under a 2-month arrest justifying it with “suspicions of committal of serious crime” and ‘likelihood of continued criminal activity if released”.  Kosay was incensed by the horrendous treatment he received and started to seek justice petitioning and appealing to Kazakh authorities. The latter did not tolerate this for too long and on the 2nd of June detained him for 2 weeks on administrative charges and later extended the term indefinitely.
Kosay remains in jail to this day. His physical health has taken a serious toll from the poorly treated gunshot wounds and torture injuries. He is significantly malnourished due to the poor quality of food in the detention facility. He is at constant risk of torture in this facility, where he had been already tortured inhumanely, which triggers psychological distress and affects his mental well-being.
We submitted a complaint to the UN Special Rapporteur on torture and arbitrary detention calling for urgent interim measures, such as the immediate release of Kosay while his strong legal team continues to defend him in Kazakh legal system.
In the event that Kosay does not obtain justice in Kazakhstan, we are collecting donations (see GoFundMe  link below) to submit a complaint supported by legal analysis to the United Nations Human Rights Committee and/or UN Committee Against Torture.  Kosay’s case qualifies for international investigation and measures as it contains numerous violations of Kazakhstan’s legal obligations to international bodies. The donations will be used towards the legal fees for preparing and submitting the complaint to the UN committees by a reputable human rights law firm in the Netherlands.
Below are a few resources in English and Russian with further details regarding the case.Excerpts from the Preliminary legal opinion by a reputable human rights firm classifying January events including much of what Kosay and other protesters were subjected to, as likely violations of Kazakhstan’s international commitments regarding basic freedoms.

Further excerpts from the same report providing the further information regarding the complaint procedure with UNHCR and/or UNCAT we are collecting for.

Complaint to the Special Rapporteurs regarding Kosay’s case to intervene into the case. Note that this is only to stop arbitrary arrest of Kosay. Different from a more far reaching complaint that we collecting for now.

Various articles and news stories regarding Kosay written at various points in time (e.g. during his
first arrest, shortly upon release and after the second arrest).

Please consider contributing towards Kosay’s appeal/complaint to the UN commitees at the
following link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-defending-kosay-victim-of-kz-bloody-january

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