Timur Yerzhanuly

Timur Yerzhanuly
NAMETimur Yerzhanuly
Place of residenceSemey
Location of Incident
ApplicantKleymov Saniya

March 19, 2022

My name is Kleymenov Saniya; I am a resident of the city of Semey, East Kazakhstan region. This is my son Timur Yerzhanuly, born in 1989. On January 5, 2022, at 5 pm, he went to a peaceful rally. The youth gathered that day near the Spartak stadium. But my son went straight to the Administrative building area, where he met his friends. The youth gathered there. I don’t know the details, but my son took the microphone and tried to subdue the youth, but since he is young himself, no one listened to him. Mayor fled; there were no older people who could lead. Everyone ran away; only the youth remained.

The people who can confirm my son’s actions are Deputy Mayor Aidos Sadyrbaev and city activist Rolan Mashpiev. The investigators did not call any of them for questioning as witnesses. At about 10 pm, I called my son and asked him to come home, as I began to see various videos from the rally online. We live on the city’s outskirts, and my son returned on foot. On the way, my son tried to go to the court, to the police department, he went to the Auezov police department, which is near the house, but there were no police officers anywhere; there were only young officer guards. The police were nowhere to be seen throughout the city.

On January 7, 2022, my son went to the Auezov police department. He said that he had attended a peaceful rally and wanted to testify. He was sent home that day. On January 8, 2022, at about 2 o’clock, three people in civilian clothes, with weapons in their hands, without providing documents, arrested my son and took him away. We live in a private house, and they moved into our house through the neighbors’ fence. They didn’t even let my son get dressed. I asked where they were taking him; they told me that for interrogation. I am not a lawyer, but I know that interrogation should not last longer than 3-4 hours. Three hours later, I began to call my son, the dial tone went on, but no one answered. I called back 5 minutes later, but the phone was switched off. Only on January 13, 2022, was I able to find out that my son was in the temporary detention facility (TDF) in the city of Semey. We looked everywhere for our son and called 102 to the police, but no one answered where he was; they hung up.

On January 17, 2022, one of the parents said that we needed to bring packages of clothes and food for our children. On January 18, 2022, when I went to the temporary detention facility, I found out that he was transferred to the Ust-Kamenogorsk pre-trial detention facility (PTDF). I caught a taxi and arrived at the PTDF. All packages can only be given until noon, and I got there only at one in the afternoon. I brought a change of clothes and food for my son, but they refused to take the package. I stayed in the city for one day, but they accepted only my son’s change of clothes the next day. After that, I went home.

On January 25, 2022, a lawyer helped me get permission to be my son’s public defender. I was able to see my son, and he told me about the torture that was applied to him. The officers who tortured the people are Police Major Ashkhanov Murat, Head of the department for combating extremism Adakbaev Aitkurman. People were tortured not by ordinary junior police but by officers. Police did everything that came to their mind; they beat them on the lower back, kidneys, and back. They put a white paper on my son’s back, which meant that he had to be beaten especially hard. They beat my son in the legs, on the thighs, and below.

But when I saw my son, the traces of the beatings had already passed, or they somehow beat, leaving no traces. Detained people were not given water or food for several days. They were told a lot of insults and tortured. Police officers jumped on detainees. People were not allowed to raise their heads. They heard the women screaming and saw how the drunken policeman Ruslan jumped on the women’s heads, urinated on them, and tried to rape them with a baton. There were civil activists Bibigul and Tolkyn. My son heard it all. All the people asked for lawyers. Then they brought a lawyer M.T. Abylkasymova, who allegedly defended 50-100 detainees. She taunted the detainees along with the police. She said that their affairs are under the personal control of Elbasy [Leader of Nation – Nazarbayeva N.A.]. My son is a civil activist, a citizen who knows his rights. Lawyer Abylkasymova M.T. told her clients that “we will never build a constitutional country.” Because of such lawyers, our people don’t even trust lawyers. Such lawyers discredit the entire college of lawyers of the East Kazakhstan region. I know that there are professional lawyers who have been working honestly for many years. I think it is necessary to sue the lawyer M.T. Abylkasymova to file a collective complaint; she must be deprived of her lawyer’s license. But many parents are afraid. I cannot understand how she, as a woman, participated in extracting confessions under torture. Under torture, the detainees signed the papers where it was written: “I fully admit my guilt.” My son wrote I ask for an investigation. The investigator was Zhumaliev; the lawyer was Abylkasimova M.T. As for transferring detainees, I want to say that this is a mockery of us. On February 25, we learned that my son was being transferred to Ust-Kamenogorsk. Before that, he was in a TDF in Semey, where I could come and see him and bring him food. The investigation was not carried out. I arrived in Ust-Kamenogorsk, but it turned out that without notifying the lawyer and me, my son was transferred back to Semey. I had to go to Semey again. The next day, when I was preparing to go to the TDF to see my son, one of the employees told me that my son was again transferred to Ust-Kamenogorsk. Weeping, I called the special prosecutor Baniyazov, the investigator of the Zaton police department Azamat; they both said that they did not know why my son was being sent to Ust-Kamenogorsk again. Of course, they know the reasons; they do it all on purpose. They were brought to the police department, but no investigative measures were taken; people just sat for two hours in room 518. By what laws do they carry out transferring of detainees? Today I saw my son. He is in a good mood now. He gave me a list of laws that I need to look at, a list of questions, and people I need to contact. I also want to note the online courts. I demand that the trials take place offline, in the courtroom.

Yesterday at 6 pm, the lawyer Akkozhanov Yerbol called me and said that there would be an online trial in half an hour. I think they should notify us of the trial three days in advance. The trial was like a false production. They spoke, but the audibility was poor because of the bad connection. Nearby stood a relative who was recording the court session. The judge began to find fault with this. The court issued a sanction for my son to extend his arrest for another month. He wanted to extend it for two months, but the lawyer gave strong arguments to the court and reduced the period by one month. He will now be held in custody until April 8.

Until today, the investigators have not provided me, as a public defender, with evidence of my son’s guilt, nor with a video or other materials. They answer that this is a secret investigation. So they have no evidence against my son. They can only make additional inconveniences, like transferring detainees without notifications and other difficulties. All those who tortured their son claim that they did not beat him. I don’t know who to ask for justice.

In February, I wrote a complaint to the prosecutor’s office that I did not agree with the measure of restraint for my son. I received a response from the prosecutor’s office, where they wrote that since “you are not the public defender of your son, “… I have been the public defender of my son since January 25, 2022. Secretaries, or student interns in the prosecutor’s office, do not read our letters but are engaged in formal replies. The prosecutor’s office of the region does not carry out its duties.

For two months, people are kept in a pre-trial detention facility for no reason. There is no evidence. There is no guilt. I ask you to fully acquit my son. My son didn’t break anything. He spoke into the microphone: “Stop! Do not brake!”. Someone took the shield from the policeman, and my son returned this shield to the police. Yes, some people made a riot and ran away. They framed the citizens. Their parents were able to pay bribes and “ransom” their children. But these innocent children are still being held in custody. Therefore, I demand that independent investigators come from abroad, where human rights are respected. What can be expected from us if even our lawyers say that we will never build a constitutional country? Ordinary citizens help us, financially and morally. We don’t even cry anymore. We write to all places. But no one gives satisfactory answers. I demand that the courts be offline as opposed to VIRTUAL!. I demand that independent experts come to our Republic to investigate the January events.

Original translated: https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=иржанулы

Video: https://www.facebook.com/100010593514534/videos/404369731689143


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