Categories: Cases

Bekbolat Mukhanaliev

NAMEBekbolat Mukhanaliev
Place of residence
Location of IncidentAtyrau

translated from original also in Video:


March 25, 2022, Atyrau, Akkistau village

On the day of the January peaceful rallies, activist Bekbolat Mukhanaliev was detained by SOBR officers and taken to the police department and the rest of the protesters.

Bekbolat: “Our goal was to support the residents of Zhanaozen and their demands. We also put forward our additional demand – the resignation of the leaders of the criminal political system in our country.”

On January 6, SOBR, without explanation, grabbed the men, twisted their arms, put them on the dirty floor in buses, and took them away, beating them. No one knew where they were being taken until they heard the order to take all the detainees to the Dynamo stadium.

Bekbolat: “Continuing to kick and beat us, they brought us to the Dynamo stadium and laid us on the floor. They twisted our arms and tortured us. No one introduced himself; no one told us about the reasons for the detention. We were treated like extremists. We were beaten all night, and they began to interrogate us only late at night.” They learned that Bekbolat did not participate in the rally in Atyrau during the interrogation but had already been severely beaten before the interrogation.

There were bruises on the eyes from the beatings. I have pictures of what I looked like. It took me fifteen days to recover. My head hurt the most.

“On the floor where I was being held, the police shot at one person. It seems to me that this was not done intentionally, but they had to call an ambulance. Because of this, I was kept at the stadium for another 2-3 hours until the morning. The officers separated a group of people who were not filmed on video from the square in the morning. I was among them. We were forced to write that we had no complaints about the actions of law enforcement officers. Of course, to save our lives, we had to write this,” says the activist. Already at home, Bekbolat called an ambulance. According to the activist, the doctors are working together with the police, as they asked Bekbolat whether he would write statements against the employees. Having received a positive response, the doctors made a diagnosis that did not correspond to his state of health.

Bekbolat: “They wrote that I didn’t have a concussion, but they prescribed medicines that can help with this particular problem. Since my eyes could see, they ignored hematomas in my eyes. They said that among men, this is a fairly common phenomenon.” It took the activist 15 days to recover. “After all this, we were again convinced that there is no democracy and freedom in our country. I have been persecuted since 2016, and I have always known about it, so I am not surprised. Unfortunately, the rule of dictators has become dangerous for our lives. I demand that the causes of all these events are established, and the perpetrators are held accountable.



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