Categories: Cases

Yerlan Khaidaruly Khaidarov

NAMEKhaidarov Yerlan Khaidaruly
DOB42 years old
Place of residenceKazakhstan, Almaty
Location of IncidentKazakhstan, Almaty
ApplicantKhaidarova Gulmira Khaidarkyzy

Yerlan Khaidarov worked as the head of production and technical department in one of the large construction companies, before that he held various positions in the mayor’s office of the capital.

At the end of September last year, he was sent from the capital to Almaty to supervise the construction of the republican Olympic training base.

Yerlan’s sister Gulmira Khaydarova last spoke with her brother on January 4. She didn’t hear anything suspicious in her brother’s voice. The next day, he texted her a few times that he was fine. Later, communication with the relative was broken.

Gulmira Khaydarova sounded the alarm. She called her brother’s colleagues asking them to check the hotel room where Yerlan had been staying lately. Inside, they found a man’s wallet, but he himself was not in the room.

On the same day, Gulmira filed a statement about the disappearance of her brother by calling the hotline number 1414.

On the evening of January 11, she was contacted by a man who introduced himself as an employee of the Alatau District Police Department. He said that her brother had died and needed to come to the morgue for identification.

Yerlan Khaidarov died of a gunshot wound to the chest. Gulmira Khaydarova believes he was shot by a sniper.


Certificate issued to Gulnara Khaydarova in the city pathology bureau.

Now the investigation of the murder of Yerlan Khaydarov is being handled by the Almaty prosecutor’s office. Relatives of the deceased are still unable to obtain the results of the forensic medical examination.

Khaydarov’s friends and relatives claim that he was not a political activist. He devoted all his time to work and family.

“My goal is to have him be recognized as a victim, given his way of life, way of thinking, he lived in prosperity and well-being. He was very picky about connections, he was an intelligent and educated man. I also want his elderly mother and five children to be recognized as victims in the case. We will demand compensation. He cannot be returned, but children need to build a future. A future in which their father will not be,” Gulmira Khaydarova shared with a journalist of

The police is conducting a pre-trial investigation under article 451 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (abuse of power or official powers, that is, the commission by a superior or official of actions that clearly go beyond his rights and powers).


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