Categories: Cases

Urazbaev Amangeldy

NAMEUrazbaev Amangeldy
Place of residenceKazakhstan,
Location of IncidentKazakhstan,
ApplicantOhasov Orynbay
Kinshipon his behalf

62-year-old civil activist and father of three children Amangeldy #Urazbaev was illegally detained on the night of January 4-5, 2022 by three police officers in civilian uniforms for his participation in a peaceful protest on January 4 in support of peaceful protesters in Zhanaozen.

At the rally, peaceful demonstrators demanded that the authorities completely resign the current government in connection with the loss of confidence in it. On the night of January 4-5, 2022, the authorities dispersed peaceful protesters using stun grenades. Also, law enforcement officers beat people with truncheons. One of the batons hit the feet of the fleeing Amangeldy and the activist fell to the ground.

At the Police Department, Amangeldy was held for about 16 hours without food. On the evening of January 5, he had a trial on a politically motivated administrative case for participating in a peaceful protest on December 25, 2021, which sentenced him to 20 days of administrative arrest. He was taken to the village of Peremetnoye and placed in a temporary detention center.

Amangeldy Urazbayev is being persecuted for political reasons for participating in peaceful protests, criticizing the authorities, and a few days before the protests, he was being monitored in order to prevent him from participating in the protest.

Amangeldy Urazbayev appeals to the international community, the European Parliament with an appeal to organize an international investigation.

We continue to publish testimonies about human rights violations related to the January 2022 protests. The testimony points to gross violations of Kazakhstan’s international human rights obligations.


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