Categories: Cases

Darkhan Dusibayev

NAMEDarkhan Dusibayev
Place of residenceKazakhstan, Almaty
Location of IncidentKazakhstan, Almaty
ApplicantDusibayeva Nazerke

Darkhan is 28 years old, a shy guy who hardly speaks the Russian language; came to Almaty to work at a construction site, completely ignorant of the city. In early January, his work at the construction site ended. On January 5, Darkhan tried to get to the Sayran bus station to take a bus to Shymkent, where he was starting a new job. He caught a hitchhiker, but the car could not reach the bus station as the road was blocked. The driver once explained to Darkhan which way to go, and Darkhan went on foot. Lost, he got into the flow of people. Then, someone started shooting; he ran like many others, felt like something had hit him in the stomach, and he lost consciousness.

Darkhan was taken to the 7th city hospital in Kalkaman. Darkhan was in serious condition, and he immediately underwent surgery. After the operation, doctors explained that it was a bullet wound to the abdomen.

On January 8, when Darkhan was lying naked under drips in tubes, armed SWAT officers entered the room. They immediately warned, “jerk, we will shoot without warning.”

Darkhan, we can say, was “lucky” – the SWAT team did not pull the tubes out of Darkhan’s body themselves but allowed the doctors to pull them out and sew up the holes. Someone from the medical staff threw a thin medical postoperative gown on Darkhan. It was in this form: in a short robe on a naked body, barefoot, with a wound on his stomach, that Darkhan was taken away by SWAT officers.

Darkhan was shoved into the same police van where Sayat Adilbekuly was one of the first to be imprisoned: about 18 wounded, still dressed, barefoot people, including two women. Everyone who was in the cage of the police van was beaten and scolded for the slightest sound.

All were brought to SI-18. Darkhan underwent torture and beatings, and the rest, already known martyrs of SI-18: Akylzhan Kiysymbayev, Sayat Adilbekyly, Zhasulan Amangeldiyev. Wounded in the stomach, Darkhan could hardly walk. He could neither drink nor eat; vomiting immediately began. Darkhan experienced severe pain all the time but did not receive any adequate treatment. Darkhan was in SI-18 from January 8 to 25. He was released on his recognizance on the 25th. Darkhan, like others, is charged under Article 272 (2) “Participation in mass riots” (punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to eight years (!)).

Immediately after the detention center, Darkhan went to the 7th Mountain Hospital, but the doctors refused to treat him. He was told that the treatment was paid, and Darkhan had no money. Darkhan does not know Almaty, does not know where to turn. He found one clinic where he was given antibiotics. The inflammation was relieved, but severe abdominal pain remained.

The pain was so severe that he could no longer tolerate it and had to call an ambulance. He was taken to the hospital, given painkillers, and taken a picture. The doctor said Darkhan still had a bullet in his body. Darkhan was told to do an MRI, but he has neither money for diagnosis nor treatment. Darkhan walks around with a bullet, overcoming the pain. He also still suffers from severe headaches. He says that they began and did not pass after he was beaten on the head with a rubber truncheon PR73 in the detention center.

With the help of former cellmates, on March 1, Darkhan filed a criminal complaint about torture in SI-18 in Antikor.


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